We want children at Al Huda Primary & Little Gems to learn, to lead and to make a difference


Every school has the duty of teaching the core and foundation subjects of the National Curriculum.

The Core subjects will be:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science

The Foundation Subjects will be:

  • Physical Education
  • Computing
  • Art and Design and Technology
  • PSHCE (Personal, Social & Health Education) and Citizenship
  • Religious Studies
  • MFL – Modern Foreign Language Arabic
  • Music – Nasheeds
  • Topics
  • We integrate Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development and British Values throughout the curriculum

We believe that effective learning depends on the sharing of knowledge and ideas.

To enable this to happen we need to make sure that our pupils become good communicators, listeners, readers, and writers up to their ability.

Literacy takes place throughout the school, each morning.

All pupils in both key stages are taught in classes and learning support staff work alongside teachers in some classrooms.

The National Literacy Strategy is fully implemented and regular curriculum evenings keep parents informed.

It is our aim that pupil learns to read a wide variety of material confidently and with understanding.

In the early stages of reading, we use the Oxford Reading Tree schemes.

These provide a planned approach and enable staff to closely monitor reading in the early stages.

Pupils always have access to a broad and balanced range of books. We believe that learning to read should be a shared experience.

We value the support of our parents in this important area of learning.

We have our own library, from the earliest day’s pupil and parents are introduced to the school library.

The library has a complete range of non-fiction books, which are reviewed and updated. We also have visits to the local library where children are open to a variety of books.

Writing is developed side-by-side with reading. Handwriting, spelling, grammar and content are developed in structured and appropriate forms.

Pupils are encouraged to write for a variety of ranges, these ranges from producing books for the classroom to taking part in our school competitions, we always encourage our pupil to take pride in the presentation of their work.

We value the written work of all our pupils, and as a school, we treat it with respect. Each year we work on a particular focus, in writing.

We encourage our pupil to listen attentively and speak confidently.

This extends from the classroom to participate in assemblies and school productions.

We have weekly class assemblies which enable children to build on their self-confidence and self-esteem.

Mathematics is a way of viewing and making sense of the world.

It is used to analyse problems, explore possibilities and converse findings.

It is our aim at that mathematics should be a stimulating experience as this plays a big role in our adult life; we strive to ensure that each child develops an interest in and understanding of mathematical processes and concepts.

Using and applying mathematics number and algebra shape, space and measurement data handling and probability.

Science follows the National Curriculum programmes of study. Science has a central part in the curriculum as one of the core subjects.

Our aim is to develop the pupil’s understanding of scientific concepts and skills through practical work, drawing upon the child’s everyday experience of his or her surroundings.

We aim to encourage positive attitudes to science; we relate scientific knowledge to personal health and environmental issues.

The areas of study are:

  • Experimental and investigative science
  • Life and living processes
  • Materials
  • Physical science

Computing encompasses a wide variety of modern technology.

Our overall aim is that all pupils will develop practical skills in the use of computing to enhance learning throughout the curriculum and will appreciate the potential of computing together with the implications of its use.

Computing skills are both as a separate subject and through other areas of the curriculum.

In the Foundation Stage, pupils develop keyboard and mouse skills, are introduced to programmable toys and are introduced to wider computing applications through role play.

In Key Stage 1 pupils use computing to record and present work, to find information, to create pictures and to control devices.

In Key Stage 2 these skills are then expanded as pupils are encouraged to become aware of when computing tools would be useful.

The presentation and interpretation of information through the use of spreadsheets and databases is highlighted.

Pupils are introduced to how computers can create modifying graphics, images and sounds and learn how to combine these in a multimedia presentation.

At Al-Huda primary all the Topic lessons are creative, fun-filled and cross-curricular.

Each topic taught includes Geography, History, Drama, Art, Citizenship, British values and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC).

This supports the children to develop throughout the curriculum in various ways. We also encourage Literacy, Mathematics and Science to be evident in each lesson.

As part of topics environment learning is also weaved through topics this includes: Solving the problems of the environment will be the greatest challenge facing our pupil and future generations.

Our school’s ethos and values reflect a concern for the environment and for sustainable development.

Through work in Citizenship, the whole school community will be involved in decisions about the indoor and outdoor environment and participates in implementing those decisions.

Pupils and adults encourage each other to reduce energy consumption and water usage; re-use and recycle materials; reduce the need to use harsh cleaning products and energy by helping to keep our school as clean and tidy as possible; reduce litter in the school and our community; take pride in our surroundings

In addition to studying to Islam and the teachings of the Almighty, and the Prophets, pupil learn about in general Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Sikhism, Buddhism, and other religions.

We promote multiculturalism and aim to encourage tolerance and understanding of all faiths, cultures, and beliefs.

The importance of British Values is emphasised and integrated throughout the lessons taught.

Pupils are also open to other religions, along with teaching the pupils Islamic education. The children are taught to respect all faiths, cultures and religions as well as individual Liberty, Mutual Respect, Democracy and Rule of Law.

At Al-Huda we aim to give the pupil an opportunity to:

  • participate and develop their own levels of expertise in a variety of activities,
  • value the benefits of participation in physical activity,
  • Participate in a balance of individual, team, co-operative and competitive activities, catering for individual pupils’ needs and abilities.
  • We take pupils out to local community centres where they are able to use and access a variety of sports equipment.
  • Swimming sessions provide children with a stimulating atmosphere where they can have fun and add to their growing sporting skills.

Art is sometimes integrated with other areas of the curriculum, developing creativity and self-expression and also close observation.

Pupils are given the opportunity to explore the relationship between line, shape, colour, texture and materials where they can create anything, 3d objects, moulds, anything that they would like to design.

Your child will gain experience in using a wide range of media such as paint, card dye, and sewing materials etc.

At Al-Huda we support the view that learning a modern foreign language is an entitlement for all pupils during their time in Key Stage 1 and 2.

We are therefore committed to the principle that learning another language is appropriate for all children, whatever their ability or special needs.

Pupils will be learning Arabic as an additional language starting from Reception.


Homework is seen as an important part of the learning process is given regularly and parents will have the opportunity to support their child’s development.

Young pupil, like adults, need variety, homework will provide them with the opportunity to expand on and organise their own work, to search for information and to solve problems.  As the pupil become older their work should be viewed as a form of preparation for the high school.

  • Learning program with after-school
  • Positive learning environment
  • Learning through play



Children grow physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually through activities relating to themselves and others. Within our school, we have a wealth of diversity of thought, experience and culture, which enhances each child’s development.

It is our intention to create a very happy ‘family school’ where there is a sense of purpose and well-being, a connection with our precious pupils and their families, a place where children and adults are glad to be. Good behaviour is looked for, acknowledged and always rewarded.

By consistently focusing on the child’s strengths and achievements. We aim not only for academic success but also to build a tradition of respect, good manners, and a sense of responsibility amongst our children. Your children will have the widest possible curriculum in a positive climate that enables everyone to succeed.

Al-Huda has many factors within the school to inspire all our children to become strong, enthusiastic and happy learners

At the same time, to also revive holistic Islamic Tarbiyah, and by using the Qur’an and Sunnah as guiding beacons we educate children on Islamic knowledge, creed and morals.

In regards to our Islamic faith throughout our daily life. We provide a religious syllabus which develops our children’s knowledge and understanding of our faith.

In a responsible manner, showing respect, courtesy and consideration at all times in accordance with the teachings of the Prophet (ﷺ). We have very high expectations of our pupils in this regard and all children are encouraged to act as Ambassadors for Islam, throughout primary school.

Ofsted Report 2019

Pupils enjoy poetry and have won national recognition for their sterling work. Several pupils’ writing appears in recent publications, one for poetry and two for short stories. Pupils are, quite correctly, very proud of their achievements in writing.


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